1903-O Morgan Dollar ($1)


The 1903-O Morgan Dollar is a fascinating piece in numismatic history thanks to its intriguing past. For many years, this coin was considered one of the prime rarities of the series due to its low availability. However, a large hoard was discovered in the 1960s, revealing many uncirculated examples and easing its rarity (but it's still tough in gem+ MS66!)

This coin, graded MS66 by PCGS and blessed with a CAC sticker, exhibits radiant luster and exceptional eye appeal. The fields are remarkably clean, with very few minor contact marks. The strike is sharp, with Liberty's hair and the eagle's feathers demonstrating significant detail. The surfaces display a pristine appearance, contributing to a truly premium example for any high-grade Morgan Dollar set.

Certification PCGS
Grade MS66
PCGS Spec # 7286
PCGS Population (Greater) 865 (289)
Serial # 28500072

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